his team

Born in the mid-1980s in southern Germany, Martin discovered his love for the groove in his early childhood. Already at the tender age of four he was aware that it was thePULSEending heartbeat that brings everything to life. A year later it happened to him. A drum kit under the cozy Christmas tree, the first private lessons... "I wanted to bring my environment to life myself, wanted to be the heartbeat, the pulse!"
After many years at local music schools and in the care of many an insider tip from the scene, Martin initially ended up in the German armed forces to do his military service and played the Heeresmusikkop.

This was followed by a scholarship at the Pop Academy (UnitedPOP). Back to school or back to drums was the order of the day. After some time it was said: Studies finished with distinction! At the same time, Martin completed a successful apprenticeship as a technical sound engineer. Because it is well known that the sound makes the music.

Then it has him to California. Hier konnte er ebenfalls ein Stipendium am renommierten Musicians Institute in Los Angeles ergattern. It has been his second home ever since.
Already during his studies he worked extensively with national and international artists. Major labels, film production companies, the automotive industry, fashion labels and various corporations were among his clients early on.
Martin has taught at various private and municipal music schools. At academies and institutes he worked as a guest lecturer. Mit Mitte zwanzig hat er seine eigene kleine Schlagzeugschule eröffnet, welche bis heute vielen kleinen und großen Fans der dynamisch- rhythmic beat sequence offers a home.
Through his teaching activities is a book has also been created, which has been distributed by Hage Musikverlag since 2012. This book is of course also available here in our online shop. Check it out NOW and stuff...
By the way, he is world champion! World champion in drumming? Sounds strange, but it's true! In 2015 Martin set a world record, which is still_ -136bad5cf58d_bestand hat. Seither arbeiten wir an einem noch größeren "Ding". Unfortunately, this corona disaster suddenly got in the way... Many people are working flat out to be able to realize this project at some point - we all can't wait and stay of course_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_drann.

The world is his home. After Martin was allowed to swing his sticks for quite a while through numerous tours on almost every continent -136bad5cf58d_fühlt er sich heimisch sobald man ihn hinter einem Schlagzeug Platz nehmen lässt.
On stage, in the studio or in the rehearsal room - Dahoam is Dahoam!
Through his work as a studio musician he was already able to win a number of awards and prizes. placements in the national and international music charts did not remain, of course out of. He has already occupied several top 10 placements as well as the pole position - of course in the team. There was also a Grammy nomination... but as is well known, it shouldn't just be a nomination ;)
Names, brands, impressions and other details
(NOT in this order):
Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson) ZDF, Nick Woodland, Nneka, ProSieben, Reebok, Sony BMG, Jana Wall, Universal Music, Warner Brothers, Warner Music, Usher, The Voice Of China, Toyota , Martin Kesici, Olympic Games Ceremony, SAE, Popstars, BMW, Super Bowl (after-show-party), Ricky Dean Howard, Curt Cress, Asia Drumfestival, Fossil, Music Support Group, Cherry Gehring (PUR), Volkswagen (VW), Pull & Bear, Guinness World Record, Disney, Ricola, High School Musical (film series), Florian Opahle (Jethro Tull), Diamond Zhang, Shakira, Fatherhood ( Movie), Abercrombie & Fitch, Fast & Furious Five (Movie), Buddy (Movie), Nestle, Adidas, Guildo Horn,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Fack ju Göhte (cinema), JDB WorldTour, The Three Musketeers (musical), K11 commissioners in action (TV series), RTL, No Angels, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Matthias Schweighöfer, Michael "Bully" Herbig, Fab Morvan (Milli vanilla), ...

"...I wanted to bring my environment to life myself, wanted to be the heartbeat, the pulse!"- to this day nothing has changed. On the contrary! 😉